Jan Cremer:La normalité dans la différence

Author: Pierre Restany
Jan Cremer was born 58 years ago in Enschede. Since then, like the proverbial cat with nine lives, he has lived at 100,000 volts.


The graphic art of Jan Cremer

Author: Freddy De Vree
1964 The publication in 1964 of his novel Ik Jan Cremer (I Jan Cremer) brought the author overnight fame and notoriety. But even when the first extract appeared in the literary review Gard Sivik in 1962, some readers, such as Willem Frederik Hermans

Prints 1956-1998
Biographical sketch

Author: Annelette Hamming
Painter-writer Jan Cremer (Enschede 1940) has specialized in graphic art, as well as in painting and sculpture, ever since he started his training at various art academies.


The Muse of Jan Cremer

Author: W.A.L. Beeren
'The rocks like paintings by Tapies - ochre, yellow and red.' This association is noted sensitively and to the point amongst all the fuss and fun of the provocative stories in the relentless bestseller I Jan Cremer

The Hague period of Jan Cremer

Author: R.W.D. Oxenaar
The roads between Amsterdam and The Hague are long. A sort of relationship as New York has to Washington: the international metropolis and the somewhat provincial seat of government.

The New York Period

Author: Freddy de Vree
In 1963, as a free-lance reporter for the Haagse Post, Jan Cremer makes the acquaintance of Frank O'Hara, the poet from New York

Freebooter in Art

Author: Pierre Restany
Jan Cremer was born in 1940 and since then, like the proverbial cat, he has lived seven or nine lives at 100,000 volts. Globetrotting journalist, writer and planetary reporter, painter and graphic artist

Radio interviews

Author: Various
Large online collection of radio interviews from different sources. Most interviews are in Dutch.

Een leven lang

Author: Public libraries
Database with all kinds of information about different Dutch authors.

Renaissance man

Author: Annelette Hamming
The artist and writer Jan Cremer, born in Enschede in 1940, has devoted himself intensely - and in all circumstances - to painting and sculpture since his early youth and since the beginning of his education at various art academies.


Groninger museum

Solo exhibition


De bezige bij


Jan Cremers publisher. A way to buy his books online.


Ik ben vrij fantasieloos

Author: Jeroen Wielaert
Jan Cremer mijdt het Boekenbal. Tenzij hij vanavond toch ineens opduikt op een ouderwetse motor. Het zou een nieuwe stunt zijn, een halve eeuw na de publicatie van zijn legendarische debuutroman: Ik Jan Cremer.


Author: Various
All articles and interviews from the NOS. Mostly in Dutch.


Jan Cremer: ‘Ik ben de beste’

Author: Rudie Kagie
Ruim veertig jaar nadat zijn debuut de natie schokte, krijgen de bezorgde ouders van toen alsnog antwoord. Wat moest er terecht komen van de tweeëntwintigjarige nozem die met zijn ‘onverbiddelijke bestseller’ de oorlog aan het fatsoen had verklaard?

Interview met Jan Cremer

Author: Ischa Meijer
Reeds als kleine jongen had ik de beschikking over een goed stel hersens, al gebruikte ik ze niet. Ik heb ze bewaard voor later.


Cremer in verf
1954 - 2014

Museum de fundatie
Cremer is geen schrijver die schildert. Het begon allemaal met schilderen, het schrijven kwam daarna. Of misschien is het juister om te stellen dat het begon met kijken.

De wereld draait door

Interview: Matthijs van Nieuwkerk
Het werk van schrijver en beeldend kunstenaar Jan Cremer wordt onder de naam 'CREMER IN VERF, 1954-2014' tentoongesteld in Museum de Fundatie in Zwolle. Samen met Ralph Keuning, directeur van Museum de Fundatie.


Rijksmuseum Twenthe buys early Cremer

Het Rijksmuseum Twenthe heeft een vroeg schilderij aangekocht van Jan Cremer. Compositie, uit 1959, werd na lang speurwerk ontdekt op een veiling in Zweden en kon voor een relatief gunstig bedrag worden verworven.

Jan Cremer leest

Author: Nick Muller
Een van zijn bekendste citaten: “Ik lees niet, ik word gelezen,” blijkt toch niet helemaal op te gaan.


Jayne Mansfield

Official website
She appeared in twenty-nine movies as an actress and she was also a musician and a comedienne. Her I.Q. was reputed to be 163.


Karel Appel

Foundation website
As a result of this controversy and other negative Dutch reactions to CoBrA, Appel moved to Paris in 1950 and developed his international reputation by travelling to Mexico, the USA, Yugoslavia and Brazil.


Andy Warhol

Official website
In the late 1950s, Warhol began to devote more energy to painting. He made his first Pop paintings, which he based on comics and ads, in 1961. The following year marked the beginning of Warhol’s celebrity.


Nico (Christa Päffgen)

After being introduced by Brian Jones, she began working in New York with Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey on their experimental films, including Chelsea Girls, The Closet, Sunset and Imitation of Christ.


Bram Bogart

Bram Bogart (1921-2012) is one of the artists of the 'Informel', the loosely knit aesthetic movement which produced a generation of painters in the early 1950s.


Willem de Kooning

In the post-World War II era, de Kooning painted in a style that came to be referred to as Abstract expressionism or Action painting, and was part of a group of artists that came to be known as the New York School.


Willem Frederik Hermans

Official website
Willem Frederik Hermans (1921-1995) wordt algemeen beschouwd als de belangrijkste Nederlandstalige schrijver van de twintigste eeuw.


Oliver Stone

William Oliver Stone (born September 15, 1946) is an American film director, screenwriter, producer and military veteran.


Frank O'Hara

Official website
Francis Russell "Frank" O'Hara was an American writer, poet and art critic. Because of his employment as a curator at the Museum of Modern Art, O'Hara became prominent in New York City's art world.


The Chelsea Hotel

Official website
The Hotel Chelsea is a historic New York City hotel and landmark built between 1883 and 1885, known primarily for the notability of its residents over the years.


Het Cremer museum

De vestiging van een Jan Cremermuseum in Enschede is van de baan. Het museum rond de spraakmakend kunstenaar en schrijver zou komen in het Balengebouw.


La guerre Japonaise

Author: Max van Rooij
In de halfdonkere Haagse jazzclub zag ik La guerre Japonaise voor het eerst. Het vijfluik, waarop de kleur rood in vele toonaarden overheerste, stond op de vloer tegen de wand.


Marilyn Monroe Memorial

Art Book
Fotoreportage van het Marilyn Monroe memorial. Doelwit op het oefenterrein van de USAF op Groenland.
